Minutes of the Norfolk Seniors Committee Meeting at 19:30 hours on Tuesday 8 October 2019 at The George Hotel, Swaffham Road, Dereham, NR19 2AZ
Present: A. Gregory (Chair), M. Banham, A. Broughton, C. Palmer, J. Perry,
G. Saunders, C. Yallop
1 .Welcome AG welcomed the committee members attending.
2. Apologies: A. King, P. Thomas
3. Minutes of last Meeting
The minutes of the 3 June 2019 meeting were read and signed by AG as a true record.
4. Matters Arising not appearing later in the Agenda JP mentioned that although Mark Spillett had paid his subscription and appeared for the Club in a few matches, he still had not filled in a registration form. AG said he would be remind him it would be imperative to fill out a form for 2020, as members could not play without this.
Action: AG
5. Correspondence
JP summarised briefly five items of correspondence: (i) with the Blueberry study; with NCB communications; (iii) with Nobby Cobb on 2019 statistics; (iv) regarding International O70s nominations; regarding the Cricket Club Conference Annual Lunch at Lords. Resulting from the discussions., AG agreed to look into the Club acquiring a presence on Twitter and the Executive Committee proposed a vote of thanks to Nobby for his continuing compilation of the Club statistics.
Action: AG
6. Chairman’s Report
AG reported that the 2019 season had gone very well, with all teams improving on their Championship performance in recent years. Friendlies had been regular and enjoyable. There had been no disciplinary issues and a good team spirit throughout the Club. Regarding recruitment for future years, several names were mentioned as possibilities, including Shane Fisher, Campbell, Marcus Bishop, Neil Irons, Simon Barnes, Peter Free, Mark Dunnet, Stuart Hilton and Dale Yarham. Norfolk County players Carl Amos (46) and Carl Rogers (49) have indicated that current time pressures would prevent their participation. AG reiterated the need to follow all these up, noted that we were on the website of the NCB and stressed that it was imperative to get on to the website front page of the future OneLeague.
7. Treasurer’s Report
MB reported that we started the season with £2164.78 in the bank & we will finish with around £2160.05 – a neutral year, especially welcome as we did not have any Golf Day income. Team accounts mostly gave a surplus – O50s +£80, O60s +£239, O60s 2nd’s + £453. Although O70s finished at -£365.84, this included costs of £493.34 for four minibuses & diesel. MB expected team surpluses would cover the cost of balls which was £656.70 and that this was satisfactory if in future minibus costs are covered from subscriptions. For the future, given we want teams to break even and cover travel, we would need teams to plan for minibuses at phase II (national rounds) and collect £15 match fees in advance to cover these. The captains were asked to provide a count of unused cricket balls in their possession. MB is holding five sweaters as part of our stock.
Our Club subscriptions brought in £1400 which should cover costs of £320 for competition entries, £350.91 for Insurance, £240 fort 50/100/new caps and this year’s minibus costs. The Club paid out £549.99 for polo shirts and has received £470 back so far. Incidental receipts have included £45 sponsorship, £19 profit on nets & trial matches, while AGM expenses amounted to £89.50. MB commended the Captains for their efforts to balance the books – we now have enough funds to cover up front costs for 2020 season. MB concluded that the current subscription level of £20 would not need to be increased and that match fees should also remain between £11 and a maximum of £15.
8. Polo shirts and caps
GS reported that all the stock of shirts had now been taken by Members, but that more could be ordered. JP reported that following delivery from Romada we have 5 50+s, 3 100+s and 10 normal caps. Those approaching issue of caps are Clive Adams, Kingsley Elliff and David Powell.
9. 100 Club
GS reported that subcommittee was needed to take this further, in addition to his usual liaison activities with the Treasurer, MB. Members CY and JP volunteered to sit on this subcommittee to be chaired by GS. The 100 Club would be launched at this year’s AGM and would start on Jan 1. For three months we may have to take a hit, then if still not 100 then drop prizes.
10. Friendly fixtures coordination
Both AG and CY noted that there had been difficulties over friendly fixtures because some Captains were not liaising sufficiently or in time with CY. AG proposed and it was agreed that all proposals for friendly fixtures must be submitted to the Fixture Secretary for approval and thereafter forwarded to JP. The current page http://www.norfolk50ccc.co.uk/fixtures-2019.html does not give sufficient emphasis for friendly fixtures so these would in future be placed on a dedicated page of the Club website and repeated on the homepage.
Action: JP
11. Arrangements for 2019 AGM
The date of the AGM was set for Tuesday 12th November. JP agreed to seek a suitable venue with reasonable costs. Action: JP
There was discussion of which Officers were proposing to stand again and JP agreed to inform Members of the need to make nominations if they wished to do so.
Action: JP
There was discussion of Captains for 2020, the results of which will be communicated to Members at the AGM.
12. Regional Committee proposals for National AGM
The following Eastern Group proposals to the National Committee were discussed: travel limits for Phase Two matches in 2020; allowances for new O70s teams entering Championship; marking for umpires; third XIs; Balls; number of overs in O70s matches. It was confirmed that the National AGM will take place on 27 November, probably at Banbury.
After discussion, the Executive Committee agreed that it should be made clear that counties must justify why they fix home matches at venues involving more than 150 miles. Teams should endeavour to ensure that fixtures are selected at clubs near the county border to minimise travel. It was agreed that neutral grounds were a poor idea. AG agreed to provide text to respond to Chris Watson, Eastern Group Chairman.
Action: AG
It was agreed that the provided orange balls were insufficient in quality. Yellow kookaburras might be a useful; alternative.
It was agreed that we do not support the National Committee’s proposal of 40 over games for O70s; we would vote against such a proposal at the AGM. This proposal would entail amending bonus points.
13. Malta O60s Menorca tour
The Committee expressed its thanks to Harold van Zanten for volunteering again to organise this tour. Harold has emailed Members, but thus far is struggling for enough players to form a competitive side. It was reported that there may be a potential O50s tour in 2021 to Bermuda, organised by Colin Walters of Suffolk.
14. Any other business
CP reported that the annual dinner at Wensum Valley Golf Club on 1 November had thus far attracted about 30 members and guests. JP offered to email members to remind them that the deadline is Wednesday next week. GS will bring the O70s T20 trophy to the dinner.
Action: JP
MB reported that with the resignation of Kieron Tuck there will be a new cricket director for the NCB, to be advertised in November.
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21:08.
Signed, as a true record of the proceedings:
........................................ , Chairman Date:
Present: A. Gregory (Chair), M. Banham, A. Broughton, C. Palmer, J. Perry,
G. Saunders, C. Yallop
1 .Welcome AG welcomed the committee members attending.
2. Apologies: A. King, P. Thomas
3. Minutes of last Meeting
The minutes of the 3 June 2019 meeting were read and signed by AG as a true record.
4. Matters Arising not appearing later in the Agenda JP mentioned that although Mark Spillett had paid his subscription and appeared for the Club in a few matches, he still had not filled in a registration form. AG said he would be remind him it would be imperative to fill out a form for 2020, as members could not play without this.
Action: AG
5. Correspondence
JP summarised briefly five items of correspondence: (i) with the Blueberry study; with NCB communications; (iii) with Nobby Cobb on 2019 statistics; (iv) regarding International O70s nominations; regarding the Cricket Club Conference Annual Lunch at Lords. Resulting from the discussions., AG agreed to look into the Club acquiring a presence on Twitter and the Executive Committee proposed a vote of thanks to Nobby for his continuing compilation of the Club statistics.
Action: AG
6. Chairman’s Report
AG reported that the 2019 season had gone very well, with all teams improving on their Championship performance in recent years. Friendlies had been regular and enjoyable. There had been no disciplinary issues and a good team spirit throughout the Club. Regarding recruitment for future years, several names were mentioned as possibilities, including Shane Fisher, Campbell, Marcus Bishop, Neil Irons, Simon Barnes, Peter Free, Mark Dunnet, Stuart Hilton and Dale Yarham. Norfolk County players Carl Amos (46) and Carl Rogers (49) have indicated that current time pressures would prevent their participation. AG reiterated the need to follow all these up, noted that we were on the website of the NCB and stressed that it was imperative to get on to the website front page of the future OneLeague.
7. Treasurer’s Report
MB reported that we started the season with £2164.78 in the bank & we will finish with around £2160.05 – a neutral year, especially welcome as we did not have any Golf Day income. Team accounts mostly gave a surplus – O50s +£80, O60s +£239, O60s 2nd’s + £453. Although O70s finished at -£365.84, this included costs of £493.34 for four minibuses & diesel. MB expected team surpluses would cover the cost of balls which was £656.70 and that this was satisfactory if in future minibus costs are covered from subscriptions. For the future, given we want teams to break even and cover travel, we would need teams to plan for minibuses at phase II (national rounds) and collect £15 match fees in advance to cover these. The captains were asked to provide a count of unused cricket balls in their possession. MB is holding five sweaters as part of our stock.
Our Club subscriptions brought in £1400 which should cover costs of £320 for competition entries, £350.91 for Insurance, £240 fort 50/100/new caps and this year’s minibus costs. The Club paid out £549.99 for polo shirts and has received £470 back so far. Incidental receipts have included £45 sponsorship, £19 profit on nets & trial matches, while AGM expenses amounted to £89.50. MB commended the Captains for their efforts to balance the books – we now have enough funds to cover up front costs for 2020 season. MB concluded that the current subscription level of £20 would not need to be increased and that match fees should also remain between £11 and a maximum of £15.
8. Polo shirts and caps
GS reported that all the stock of shirts had now been taken by Members, but that more could be ordered. JP reported that following delivery from Romada we have 5 50+s, 3 100+s and 10 normal caps. Those approaching issue of caps are Clive Adams, Kingsley Elliff and David Powell.
9. 100 Club
GS reported that subcommittee was needed to take this further, in addition to his usual liaison activities with the Treasurer, MB. Members CY and JP volunteered to sit on this subcommittee to be chaired by GS. The 100 Club would be launched at this year’s AGM and would start on Jan 1. For three months we may have to take a hit, then if still not 100 then drop prizes.
10. Friendly fixtures coordination
Both AG and CY noted that there had been difficulties over friendly fixtures because some Captains were not liaising sufficiently or in time with CY. AG proposed and it was agreed that all proposals for friendly fixtures must be submitted to the Fixture Secretary for approval and thereafter forwarded to JP. The current page http://www.norfolk50ccc.co.uk/fixtures-2019.html does not give sufficient emphasis for friendly fixtures so these would in future be placed on a dedicated page of the Club website and repeated on the homepage.
Action: JP
11. Arrangements for 2019 AGM
The date of the AGM was set for Tuesday 12th November. JP agreed to seek a suitable venue with reasonable costs. Action: JP
There was discussion of which Officers were proposing to stand again and JP agreed to inform Members of the need to make nominations if they wished to do so.
Action: JP
There was discussion of Captains for 2020, the results of which will be communicated to Members at the AGM.
12. Regional Committee proposals for National AGM
The following Eastern Group proposals to the National Committee were discussed: travel limits for Phase Two matches in 2020; allowances for new O70s teams entering Championship; marking for umpires; third XIs; Balls; number of overs in O70s matches. It was confirmed that the National AGM will take place on 27 November, probably at Banbury.
After discussion, the Executive Committee agreed that it should be made clear that counties must justify why they fix home matches at venues involving more than 150 miles. Teams should endeavour to ensure that fixtures are selected at clubs near the county border to minimise travel. It was agreed that neutral grounds were a poor idea. AG agreed to provide text to respond to Chris Watson, Eastern Group Chairman.
Action: AG
It was agreed that the provided orange balls were insufficient in quality. Yellow kookaburras might be a useful; alternative.
It was agreed that we do not support the National Committee’s proposal of 40 over games for O70s; we would vote against such a proposal at the AGM. This proposal would entail amending bonus points.
13. Malta O60s Menorca tour
The Committee expressed its thanks to Harold van Zanten for volunteering again to organise this tour. Harold has emailed Members, but thus far is struggling for enough players to form a competitive side. It was reported that there may be a potential O50s tour in 2021 to Bermuda, organised by Colin Walters of Suffolk.
14. Any other business
CP reported that the annual dinner at Wensum Valley Golf Club on 1 November had thus far attracted about 30 members and guests. JP offered to email members to remind them that the deadline is Wednesday next week. GS will bring the O70s T20 trophy to the dinner.
Action: JP
MB reported that with the resignation of Kieron Tuck there will be a new cricket director for the NCB, to be advertised in November.
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21:08.
Signed, as a true record of the proceedings:
........................................ , Chairman Date: